Friday, September 19, 2008

Molly "in stereo"

I've been told that I should put more of Molly's photos up on the blog, since you can't really see my tiny collage very well. So here goes, this should give you a better idea of all the different possibilities that we have in a photo session. Of course, Molly is sooooo photogenic that we had an infinite number of great shots!! Thanks to Molly's Mom and Dad, and Molly, for being
such great subjects! They are such a cute family!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Johnsie and Carrie

Carrie and Johnsie are such a cute couple. I really enjoyed doing their wedding. They were such a laid back couple and so in love! Thanks guys for a great day!

Molly-Take 2

There that's a little better...maybe. Oh, by the way, there is a new blog and website on the way!! So stay tuned.

Molly's photo session

Ok, I'm trying something new here. Believe it or not, I'm horrible at Photoshop! There, the secret is out! Seriously, this is such an experiment for me, so here goes...a collage!!!'s finished, but I'm thinking it might be a little small, so this might take a few times to get it right. Anyhoo, this is Molly. She's is such a cutie and had some of the best expressions! It's a good thing she is so adorable, since you might see a re-post, as I experiment with my sizing of this collage,etc.